lundi 24 décembre 2012

BHAGAVAT GITA, YOGA and ATOME, Satva, Treta, Dvapar and Kali Yugas, 5 elements, chakra, loka, Maya

"Le calcul du temps à partir de l'atome."

La plus petite particule existant au sein de la manifestation matérielle, indivisible et non constituée en un corps, s'appelle l'atome. Même après la dissolution de toutes formes, l'atome continue d'exister comme entité invisible. Le corps matériel n'est qu'une combinaison de tels atomes, mais les hommes du commun s'y méprennent.

C'est au niveau des atomes que se définit la condition ultime de l'univers manifesté. Et lorsqu'ils conservent leurs formes propres, sans se constituer en corps divers, on les définit en tant que tout unique et sans limites. Il existe certes différents corps constitués en formes physiques, mais les atomes en eux-mêmes composent l'ensemble de la manifestation cosmique.

On peut calculer le temps en mesurant le mouvement des atomes tels qu'ils se combinent dans les corps. Le temps représente la puissance du tout-puissant Seigneur Suprême, Hari, lequel dirige tout mouvement physique, bien qu'Il ne soit pas directement visible dans l'univers physique.

Le temps atomique se mesure selon l'espace atomique précis qu'il couvre. Et le temps qui couvre l'ensemble non manifesté des atomes, on l'appelle le grand temps.

Les divisions du temps grossier se mesurent comme suit: deux atomes forment un double-atome, et trois double-atomes un hexatome, lequel devient visible dans les rayons de soleil qui pénètrent à travers les orifices d'une fenêtre tendue de gaze. On peut ainsi clairement distinguer les hexatomes montant vers le ciel.

Le temps requis pour l'intégration de trois trasarenus s'appelle un truti, et cent trutis forment un vedha. Trois vedhas deviennent à leur tour un lava.

Le temps que couvrent trois lavas vaut un nimesa, la combinaison de trois nimesas forme un ksana, cinq ksanas réunis forment un kastha, et quinze kasthas constituent un laghu.

Quinze laghus correspondent à un nadika, qu'on nomme aussi un danda. Deux dandas forment un muhurta, et six ou sept dandas représentent le quart d'un jour ou d'une nuit, ainsi que l'homme les mesure.

Le récipient permettant de mesurer la durée d'un nadika, ou d'un danda, peut être fabriqué à partir d'un pot en cuivre d'un poids de six palas [397g.] dans lequel on aura percé un trou à l'aide d'une tige d'or pesant quatre masas et mesurant quatre doigts de longueur. Lorsqu'on pose ce récipient sur l'eau, le temps nécessaire pour qu'il se remplisse d'eau jusqu'à la submersion, s'appelle un danda.

On a calculé qu'il y a quatre praharas, ou yamas, dans un jour des hommes, et autant dans une nuit. Pareillement, quinze jours et quinze nuits forment une quinzaine, et il y a deux quinzaines dans un mois; la blanche et la noire.

Deux quinzaines réunies forment donc un mois, ce qui correspond à un jour et une nuit sur la planète des Pitas. Deux de ces mois forment une saison, et six mois correspondent au temps que prend le Soleil pour passer du sud au nord.

Le temps que met le Soleil à parcourir les deux hémisphères représente un jour et une nuit des devas, ou encore une année complète au calendrier des hommes. Et les humains ont une durée d'existence de cent ans.

Les étoiles, les planètes et les luminaires influents, ainsi que les atomes de tout l'univers, parcourent leur orbite respective sous la dictée de l'Etre Suprême représenté par le kala éternel.

Il existe cinq noms différents pour les orbites du Soleil, de la Lune, des étoiles et des luminaires dans le firmament; chacun a son propre samvatsara.

O Vidura, le Soleil vivifie tous les êtres grâce à ses ressources illimitées en chaleur et en lumière. Il réduit en outre leur longévité afin de les affranchir de l'illusion qui les fait s'attacher à la matière, et il élargit pour eux la voie de l'élévation au royaume édénique. Ainsi se déplace-t-il dans le firmament à grande vitesse, et chacun doit lui offrir ses respects tous les cinq ans, avec tous les articles nécessaires à son adoration.

Vidura dit:
Je connais maintenant la durée de l'existence des habitants des Pitalokas et des planètes édéniques, de même que celle des humains. Puisses-tu maintenant m'éclairer sur celle des êtres au vaste savoir, qui vivent au-delà d'un kalpa.

Toi qui es spirituellement puissant, tu peux saisir les mouvements du temps éternel, qui représente l'aspect dominateur du Seigneur Suprême. Parce que tu es une âme réalisée, ta vision yogique te donne de tout voir.

Maitreya dit:
O Vidura, les quatre âges, ou yugas, sont connus sous le nom de Satya, Treta, Dvapara et Kali. La durée totale de ces quatre âges réunis équivaut à douze mille années des devas.

L'âge de Satya dure 4 800 années des devas; l'âge de Tretâ, 3 600; l'âge de Dvapara, 2 400; et l'âge de Kali, 1200.

 Les astronomes émérites ont nommé yuga-sandhya, ou conjonction entre deux âges, la période de transition qui précède chaque âge et celle qui suit, celles-ci ne durant que quelques centaines d'années comme il a déjà été mentionné. Au cours de ces périodes, des activités religieuses de tout ordre sont accomplies.

O Vidura, dans l'âge de Satya, l'humanité préservait parfaitement les principes de la spiritualité, mais avec l'arrivée des autres âges, la religion a chaque fois perdu une part d'elle-même, dans l'exacte mesure où l'irréligion était admise.

Hors des trois systèmes planétaires [Svarga, Martya et Patala], soit sur la planète de Brahma, la durée des quatre yugas multipliée par mille forme un jour. Et la nuit de Brahma, au cours de laquelle le créateur de l'unnivers se repose, correspond à la même durée.

La création des trois mondes reprend à la fin de la nuit de Brahma, sitôt le jour venu, et ceux-ci demeurent manifestés pour la durée de l'existence de quatorze Manus consécutifs, les pères de l'humanité.

Chaque Manu jouit d'une existence longue d'un peu plus de soixante et onze cycles de quatre âges.

Après la dissolution marquant la fin du règne d'un Manu, il en vient un autre avec ses descendants, afin de diriger les différentes planètes. Quant aux sept sages illustres et aux devas comme Indra et ses sujets -ainsi les Gandharvas-, ils apparaissent tous en même temps que Manu.

Au cours de la création, pendant le jour de Brahma, les trois systèmes planétaires [Svarga, Martya et Patala] exécutent une révolution, et leurs habitants -comprenant les animaux inférieurs, les humains, les devas et les Pitas-, naissent et meurent selon leur karma.

A chaque changement de Manu, le Seigneur Suprême apparaît en révélant Sa puissance interne à travers différents avataras, comme Manu et d'autres. C'est ainsi, par Sa puissance manifestée, qu'Il maintient l'univers.

A la fin du jour, la puissante manifestation universelle se trouve plongée dans l'obscurité de la nuit, sous une infime portion d'ignorance ténébreuse. De par l'influence du temps éternel, les innombrables êtres vivants sont engloutis dans cette dévastation, puis tout devient silence.

Lorsque survient la nuit de Brahma, les trois mondes disparaissent; le Soleil et la Lune perdent alors leur éclat, comme au cours d'une nuit profonde.

Le feu émanant de la bouche de Sankarsana sème partout la dévastation, si bien que d'illustres sages, tels Bhrgu et d'autres habitants de Maharloka, accablés par la chaleur du brasier qui, en dessous, ravage les trois mondes, se rendent sur Janaloka.

Au début de la dévastation, toutes les mers quittent leur lit, et des tempêtes de vent se lèvent avec violence. Les vagues des océans sont alors mises en furie, et, en un rien de temps, les trois mondes se retrouvent sous les eaux.

Le Seigneur Suprême, Personne Souveraine, Se trouve alors allongé sur la couche qu'Ananta forme pour Lui à la surface des eaux; Ses yeux sont clos, et les habitants des planètes de Janaloka Lui offrent, les mains jointes, leurs prières de louange.

Ainsi, le déclin de la vie s'impose à tous les êtres, y compris Brahma. Pour chacun, la durée de l'existence n'est que de cent ans, selon la valeur du temps sur différentes planètes.

Les cent années de la vie de Brahma se divisent en deux parties égales. La première moitié est déjà écoulée, et il se trouve maintenant dans la seconde.

Au début de la première moitié de la vie de Brahma, il y eut un âge nommé brahma-kalpa, celui où Brahma apparut. Et avec la naissance de Brahma survint, simultanément, celle des Vedas.

L'âge qui succède à ce premier kalpa, le brahma-kalpa, est connu sous le nom de padma-kalpa, parce qu'au cours de cet âge, le lotus universel poussa à partir du lac formé par l'ombilic de Hari, le Seigneur Suprême.

O descendant de Bharata, le premier âge de la seconde moitié de l'existence de Brahma est aussi connu sous le nom de varaha-kalpa, car c'est à cette époque que le Seigneur Suprême apparut en tant que l'avatara-Sanglier.

La durée de la vie de Brahma, avec ses deux divisions telles qu'elles ont été calculées précédemment, ne représente qu'un nimesa (moins d'une seconde) pour le Seigneur Suprême immuable et infini, Cause de toutes les causes dans l'univers.

Le temps éternel règne certes en maître sur plusieurs dimensions, depuis celle de l'atome jusqu'aux extraordinaires divisions de la vie de Brahma; mais il n'en demeure pas moins sous la domination du Seigneur Suprême. Le temps assujettit tous ceux dont la conscience ne porte que sur le corps, et ce, jusque sur Satyaloka ou toute autre planète supérieure de l'univers.

Cet univers phénoménal, le monde matériel, s'étend sur un diamètre de six milliards quatre cent quarante millions de kilomètres (6 440 000 000), et se compose d'un amalgame de huit éléments matériels décomposés en seize catégories subséquentes, à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur, et répartis comme suit :

Chacune des couches d'éléments recouvrant les univers est dix fois plus épaisse que celle qui précède, et tous les univers ainsi groupés ressemblent à des atomes réunis en un vaste conglomérat.

On tient donc le Seigneur Souverain, Sri Krsna, pour la Cause originelle de toutes les causes. Et la demeure spirituelle de Visnu, qui est également celle de Maha-Visnu, origine de toute manifestation, jouit sans nul doute d'une existence éternelle.

Srimad Bhagavatam, Chant 3, Chapitre 11 « Le Calcul du temps à partir de l’atome »

Afin de bénéficier de la teneur et portée de chacun des versets, je vous invite à lire le chapitre en intégralité ici : – avec Anand Sudir Buchoo, Ketty Placenti et Adam Dia.

 Five divine Elements : 

 Earth, Water, Prakash (Fire), Air & Ether (Akash)."
" They also explained that we have Five Subtle Bodies, termed "SHARIRA " or "PINDA" or "KOSHA" : These are
1. Annamaya
2. Pranamaya
3. Manomaya
4. Vigyanmaya; and
5. Anandmaya."

"All scriptures of all Religion creating the same PRINCIPLES for the Welfare of Living & Non living."

"This is total & perfect principles of All Religion of UNIVERSE."

" Today scientist also recognize the same Pure knowledge of VEDANTA."

"Our body is TEMPORARY. All the pleasures of the Universe is TEMPORARY & the UNIVERSE itself is TEMPORARY."

" The Pure knowledge of Vedanta has created this true concept:
"Yatha Pinde -Yatha Brahmande" (Human Body & Universe is Homologous)"

"Human body & Universe are Homologous (YATHA PINDE TATHA BRAHMANDE )

"There is living being who represents a Small Universe Within Himself."
"This is called the individual level."

"The union of the whole(gross)and the conscious takes place within a person's body."

"The Universe & BODY is ever changing."

"The pleasures, like-dislikes are also ever changing."

"What we saw a moment ago changes in the very next moment."

"The House in which we are sitting was not here a few years ago,and it will not be in the few years."

"Where the Himalayas, the highest mountains of the universe, are standing there once was the biggest ocean."

"OUR BODY WAS NOT THERE BEFORE, and it will not be HERE after time."

"The Universe & BODY is ever changing."

'As above, so below' is a fundamental axiom in the field of metaphysics."

" It has been incorporated into a variety of Religions and Philosophies from around the world, particularly in India."

" One of the most Unique & True concepts found within general Hinduism(Sanatan) is the belief that the entire universe, in fact EVERYTHING that exists outside our bodies also exists inside our bodies too (in both a figurative AND a literal sense)."

" The reason why this is believed is because the Vedic conception of the universe is comparable to that of a fractal. A fractal is known for its self-repeating nature and the universe as described in the Vedas is mentioned as having the same patterns reproduced in all levels of the cosmos."

" Thus, the Upanishads boldly declare 'whatever is in the macrocosm is also in the microcosm'. The microcosm is oneself and the macrocosm is the universe. The macrocosm is as the microcosm and vice versa; within each lies the other and through understanding one (usually the microcosm), you can understand the other."

"The jiva (individual soul) is nothing but a kind of mirror of the universal soul (Brahman) - each individual soul contains the cosmos as a whole. Ayurveda says: "Purushoyam loka sannidah"---"Man is an epitome of the universe." When you know man, you know the universe. Yajur Veda reveals the same truth: "Yatha pinde tatha brahmande, yatha brahmande tatha pinde"---"As is the individual, so is the universe, as is the universe, so is the individual". "

"In Vedic cosmology, there are 14 lokas (planetary systems) within this universal egg or sphere. 7 of them are usually classed as 'lower' planetary systems and their names, in descending order, are as follows: Atala,
Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Mahatala, Rasatala and Patala."

"In much the same vein, there are another 7 lokas which are classed as 'higher' planetary systems and their names, in ascending order, are as follows: Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka, Svargaloka, Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka and Satyaloka.
Bhuloka is often known as the 'earthly planetary system' because it's the planetary system that contains the Earth (but is not limited to the Earth by any means). Bhuvarloka exists in-between Bhuloka and Svargaloka ('svarga' means 'heaven' and is referring to the greater cosmos). According to Vedic cosmology, only three planetary systems are visible to the naked human eye: Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka and Svargaloka."

"Everything in the cosmos that has been mapped by our telescopes fits neatly into these three planetary systems. Bhuvloka is the grossest system in terms of the physical nature of beings and objects. Bhuvarloka and Svargaloka are equally gross as far as matter is concerned, but they are interpenetrated by more subtle dimensions as well. These subtle dimensions cannot be perceived by our regular senses. Also, the higher one progressively travels along the planetary systems, the subtler the planetary systems or lokas become. In any case, I digress. As the title of this thread suggests, one need not travel outwardly to go from one loka to another. It can be an inward journey. There are 7 major chakras that belong to our astral bodies and each of these 7 chakras corresponds to certain plexuses along the spinal cords of our physical bodies. Furthermore, each of these 7 chakras corresponds to one of the 7 higher lokas.
 See the image of the 7 chakras below this sentence:
"As you can see, there is a specific character from the Sanskrit alphabet associated with each of the chakras. The chakra at the lowest point of the body is called the Muladhara chakra and it corresponds with Bhuloka.
The chakra above that is called the swadhisthana chakra and corresponds with Bhuvarloka. Above that is the Manipura chakra and corresponds with Svargaloka. Above that is the anahata chakra and corresponds with Maharloka. Above that is the vishuddha chakra and corresponds with Janaloka. Above that is the ajna chakra and corresponds with Tapoloka. And finally, above that is the sahasra chakra and corresponds with Satyaloka."
" There is a particular grade of consciousness and a certain distinct degree of bliss that is associated with each of these 7 chakras and is experienced when those chakras are completely opened. There are a lot of claims of people who believe to have fully opened all of the 7 major chakras, but factually very few people have ever achieved more than completely opening even the muladhara chakra (what to speak of the 6 higher chakras!)."

" It is not an easy feat. It is typically the attainment of an accumulation of many, many lifetimes worth of yoga practices done specifically with the intention of completely opening all of the chakras. The chakras are poetically compared to lotuses and they normally exist in a dormant or 'sleeping' state when the astral body is joined together with the physical body. The buds of the chakra lotuses are closed and, as a result, the petals are hidden inwards when the chakra is inactive and hasn't opened up to fully blossom."

" As one progressively opens and makes active each of the 7 dormant chakras that run along the spine of the subtle body, the quality of one's consciousness becomes more and more refined."

" Veil after veil of illusion(Attachment,Ego,Enmity,Aversion,Vengeance & so forth) is pierced and the aspirant becomes fit to understand the essential nature of things. Also, the aspirant feels peculiar degrees of bliss that are noticeable through various symptoms (shivering, hair standing on end, the body seems to be emitting rays of light etc.)."

As each of the 7 chakras are progressively 'switched on' (so to speak), the quality of the bliss increases and the aspirant becomes less conscious of his or her physical body. When the sahasra chakra is finally opened to its fullest extent, the aspirant experiences the same level of bliss experienced by the inhabitants of Satyaloka (the highest, largest and subtlest planetary system in this entire universe)."

" So, to recap everything I've just said, it is believed by some people (myself included, to a certain extent) that the astral body of an individual's soul contains the cosmos within it. This is reflected in our physical bodies. As I've already mentioned, Bhuloka is situated in the feet, Bhuvarloka in the genitals, Svargaloka in the navel, Maharloka in the heart, Janaloka in the throat, Tapoloka in the brow centre and Satyaloka above the head."

  "These are called the upper lokas and they are all situated in the body of man. The lower lokas are situated in the body of man too. Atala is situated in the soles of the feet, Vitala on the nails, Sutala in the heels, Talatala in the hip, Rasatala in the knees, Mahatala in the thighs and Patala in the anus."

"The body is thus like a miniature reproduction of the universe. As long as the physical body is alive, the 33 primary devas exist within the body in a subtle form and perform their respective functions to keep the body running smoothly."
" For example, Agni (fire god) resides in the mouth as the voice, Vayu (air god) resides in the nostrils as inhalation and exhalation and Surya (heat and light god) resides in the eyes as sight. This should not be taken literally as though there are deities with gross bodies existing within our own bodies."

" The devas in this context are merely forces (living forces)

 that empower our bodies. They are personified forces. There is a lot more that can be said, but it actually gets much more complex. In any case, I'll close this post by quoting what a wise man known as Ralph Waldo Emerson had to say:

"The Universe is an renationalisation of the Soul."

"Every step we take has a relationship to SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity), Religiosity & Spirituality."

"Human thinks, Invents, Loves, Suffers, Admires and do Pray, Japa , Sadhan , Yoga, Meditation, with his Brain, Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) , organs & his Five Subtle Bodies, termed "SHARIRA " or "PINDA" or "KOSHA" : These are

1. Annamaya   :
Your "annamaya kosha" (physical body or food sheath), so-named because it is a product of food, requires food, dies without food, and, after death, becomes food for plants and animals.

 2. Pranamaya :

Your "pranamaya kosha" (vital sheath), through which your vital life energy ("prana") flows.

 3. Manomaya :

Your "manomaya kosha" (mental sheath), a mental body that stores your thought-forms, habits, conditioning, beliefs, and experiences.

 4. Vigyanmaya: 

Your "vigyanmaya kosha" (intellect sheath), which consists of higher mind, your intellect, as well as your ego, or sense of I-ness.

 5. Anandmaya:

Your "ananadamaya kosha" (blissful sheath), a mere reflection of the true radiance of your real "atman"
 (higher self).

Each subsequent sheath is larger than and permeates the former sheaths. In addition to these five sheaths, you also have three higher bodies of immeasurable beauty, bliss, truth, and glory: your "'I AM' body," your "God body," and your "Absolute body."
Pranic energy flows through your pranic sheath (pranamaya kosha) in fixed pathways called "nadis" (conduits or channels). (Some of these nadis are also known in China as the acupuncture meridians.) In your pranic body there are hundreds of centers of concentrated vital energy where many nadis intersect, called "chakras" (literally "wheels"). (Some of these are known as the acupuncture points.) However, the nadis and chakras are by no means physical. If you dissected a corpse, you would detect no nadi or chakra anywhere.
The three most important nadis through which prana flows are "sushumna," "ida," and "pingala." Sushumna is the median channel reaching from the base of your spine, near the tailbone, all the way up to the top of your skull. Ida and pingala coil around this central canal. "Pingala nadi" and "ida nadi" govern the sympathetic and parasympathetic aspects of your autonomic nervous system. Sushumna nadi is the conduit of "kundalini," often called "serpent power" or "mystic coil"-a special spiritual cosmic pranic energy that remains dormant until it is awakened, usually through spiritual practices.
The term "kundalini" derives from the Sanskrit root "kundal" (curled up), because, in ordinary humans, it remains dormant, coiled at the base of your spine. As kundalini wakes up and rises up your spine, it opens specific chakras while traveling to its destination at the top of your skull. Opening your chakras brings greater health, well-being, energy, and, ultimately, spiritual enlightenment.

The 14 main chakras through which kundalini energy flows are as follows:
1. Muladhara, which means "base" or "root," because it is the lowest chakra in the body. The root chakra, located at the base of your spine near the tailbone, is responsible for excretion, sense of smell, and earth element. It is associated with the adrenal glands.
2. Svadhishthana, which means "one's own self," because it is where the individual comes into being through procreation. The sacral chakra, in the coccyx region, governs sexuality, procreation, sense of taste, and water element. It is associated with the gonads.
3. Manipura, which means "city of jewels," because it has so many conduits of pranic energy intersecting there, and because it is the place where the fires of digestion burn. The navel chakra in the lumbar region, oversees digestion, sense of sight, and fire element. It is associated with the pancreas.
4. Anahata, which means "unstruck sound," because the unstruck sound is the sound of silence. And Anahata is where the silence of your divine consciousness resides. The heart chakra, in the thoracic region, is the seat of consciousness and your soul. It is the gateway to higher consciousness. This chakra manages the sense of touch and air element. It is associated with the thymus gland.

5. Hrit chakra, which means "heart." Right below the anahata chakra, it is the seat of devotion to God and fulfillment of all desires.
6. Vishuddha, which means "purification," (and I'm not sure why). The throat chakra, in the cervical region, deals with sense of hearing, and ether element, and creative expression. It is associated with the thyroid gland.
7. Talu, the nectar chakra, in medulla oblongata, is related to the uvula, the current of pranic energy, and the flow of "soma" (nectar of immortality).
8. Ajna, which means "command center," because it is situated in the area of the glands that regulate the entire endocrine system. The third eye chakra, in the pineal gland/hypothalamus area, seat of the higher self (atman), is responsible for higher wisdom and clairvoyant sight.
9. Manas, which means "sensory mind." In the upper part of ajna chakra, it is the center of your lower mental vehicle: instincts, impressions, and habits.
10. Indu, which means "Moon." In the front part of the brain, it is the seat of your intellect and higher mind.
11. Nirvana, which means "dissolution." At the top of your brain, it is associated with the annihilation of your ego.
12. Guru, which means "light/darkness" or "teacher." Above your head in the lower part of sahasrara chakra, it is the center in which divine light dispels the darkness of ignorance.
13. Sahasrara chakra, which means "thousandfold." The thousand-petaled lotus above your head, itis the center of divine union, integration, and illumination.
14. The Bindu, which means "point." In the upper sahasrara chakra, it is a center of infinitely concentrated energy, the fountainhead from which your entire subtle energy system springs.
You might be interested to know the colors, planets, days of week, and gemstones associated with the seven major chakras. These colors and planets are based on ancient Vedic astrology, called "Jyotish."-not based on modern New Age ideas.
1. Day of week: Sunday ("Day of the Sun"). Planet: Sun. Solar (Sun) plexus chakra: Color: red. Gem: ruby. Why Sun? Associated with vital energy and the fire of digestion.
2. Day of week: Monday ("Day of the Moon"). Planet: Moon. Sacral chakra: Color: orange. Gem: pearl or moonstone. Why Moon? Associated with emotions, fecundity, and fertility.
3. Day of week: Tuesday (Mardi or Mars day in French). Planet: Mars. Root chakra: Color: yellow. Gem: red coral. Why Mars? Associated with primal needs and survival instincts. Mars is God of war.
4. Day of week: Wednesday (Mercredi or Mercury day in French). Planet: Mercury. Thousand petalled lotus chakra above head. Color: green. Gem: emerald. Why Mercury? Associated with the brain-nearly an infinite network of interrelated communication. Mercury is planet of communication.
5. Day of week: Thursday (Jeudi or Jupiter day in French). Planet: Jupiter. Third eye chakra. Color: blue. Gem: yellow topaz or yellow sapphire. Why Jupiter? Associated with higher mind, wisdom, and intuition. Jupiter in Sanskrit is literally translated as "Guru." Jupiter is associated with higher learning.
6. Day of week: Friday (Vendredi or Venus day in French). Planet: Venus. Throat chakra. Color: indigo. Gem: diamond. Why Venus? Associated with creative expression. Venus is goddess of beauty and creativity.
7. Day of week: Saturday ("Day of Saturn"). Planet: Saturn. Heart chakra. Color: violet. Gem: blue sapphire or amethyst. Why Saturn? Associated with contraction and expansion (beating of the heart) and also highest vibration. Heart is the key to the entire chakra system. It is the seat of consciousness and therefore has the highest vibration. Saturn is the deepest in space and therefore subtlest of the 7 inner planets.