lundi 17 décembre 2012

BYE 2012 & wellcome 2013 , The Year of The Snake

le 3 Jour du mois de décembre 2012 était propice à l'observation de l'alignement planétaire au-dessus de Nuits-Saint-Georges, en Bourgogne. © Jean-Baptiste Feldmann 
L'alignement de toutes les planètes est prévu le 21 décembre 2012

Au lever du Soleil du 21 décembre 2012 et pour la première fois depuis 26.000 ans, le Soleil se lèvera pour se joindre à l'intersection de la Voie lactée et du plan écliptique. Cette croix cosmique est considérée comme une incarnation de l'Arbre Sacré, l'Arbre de la Vie, un arbre reconnu dans toutes les traditions spirituelles du monde
BYE 2012 & wellcome ... 

When your chest is free of your limiting ego,
Then you will see the ageless Beloved.
You can not see yourself without a mirror;
Look at the Beloved, He is the brightest mirror.

 The Year of The Snake

L'énergie de la Kundalini, également connue sous le nom de "Feu de la Kundalini", est l'énergie universelle qui remplit notre Être. Cette énergie monte dans le Canal Sushumna (Canal de Lumière) du Chakra Racine au Chakra de la Couronne.

A la naissance, ce canal est ouvert. Ainsi vous avez accès à cette source puissante d'énergie. Les expériences de la vie font que ce canal d'énergie est resserré et que les chakras sont bloqués. Ceci peut engendrer un grand nombre de manifestations physiques, telles que des douleurs dorsales, des problèmes digestifs, des allergies et/ou une baisse importante de l'énergie sexuelle. Beaucoup de problèmes émotionnels peuvent aussi apparaître allant jusqu'à un état d'anxiété, des colères refoulées, de la dépression ou un désir de non vie.

Le Reiki de la Kundalini est une manière efficace de nettoyer les chakras, d'ouvrir et de renforcer les canaux d'énergie du corps. Il aide à éveiller la Kundalini avec douceur.

Le Reiki de la Kundalini, a été transmis en channeling par le Maître Ascensionné Kuthumi à Ole Gabrielsen, au Danemark.
Par l'association du Reiki et de l'énergie de la Kundalini qui travaillent en synergie, cet enseignement est un outil puissant qui permettra d'accéder à une certaine guérison énergétique et favorisera l'évolution spirituelle du receveur.

Le reiki permet de donner ce soin car il n'y a pas de distance ni d'espace temps. L'énergie nous entoure où que nous soyons.

Ps: les crises de guérisons:

La crise de guérison est un phénomène courant à l'issue d'une initiation reiki ou même d'un soin. Un travail de nettoyage et de rééquilibrage commence et crée des mouvements intérieurs plus ou moins déstabilisants. les effets peuvent être d'ordre physiques ou émotionnels très variés. L'important est de ne pas rentrer en réaction, mais de les accompagner avec amour sans vouloir contrôler!

La crise peut durer parfois quelques heures, comme parfois plusieurs semaines, selon la profondeur des blocages. La patience est donc recommandée dans ces périodes parfois inconfortables ;) ♥

 5115 will be celebrated on April 6th Sat 2nd attempt, please mark your calendar now and be part of this TRUE NAV VARSH MAHOTSAV HINDU NEW YEAR 2013/5115 year of Kaliyuga.

Love and Blessings Dear Hearts ♥

My head is bursting
with the joy of the unknown.
My heart is expanding a thousand fold.
Every cell,
taking wings,
flies about the world.
All seek separately
the many faces of my Beloved.
~ Rumi
Photo :: This crop circle is reminiscing the 12 strand DNA, Double Helix. It was found in Barley at Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, UK on the 17th of June 1996
The 198-metre-long ‘DNA’ formation
Message it seems is : prepare for the magic of the activation of the remaining 10 DNA strands ♥

BE YOUR WHITE HORSE (therapeutre)

There is absolutely no ambiguity in this formation, the message is too obvious !

Within our bodies there are focal points of energy that we use, whether consciously or unconsciously, to effect reality and allow us to fully experience and realize events that unfold before us. These focal energy points are called Chakras.

Chakras are located in important parts of your body such as your head or heart. Any organs within the area of these Chakras are used to control; and are, therefore, directly affected by the properties of that Chakra. There are seven Chakras located throughout the body, each with their own unique attributes and characteristics:

1. The Root Chakra is located directly at the base of the spine, also known as the coccyx. This Chakra is closely related to the body and our ability to master it. One’s health, constitution and security are linked to this Chakra. In addition, the realization of how our bodies connect to the material world is focused here.

Color: Red Gems: Ruby, Garnet

2. The Naval Chakra is located in the lower abdomen. This Chakra is associated with the acts of giving and receiving, and is tied into the more physical feelings of love, passion and sexuality. The feeling of pleasure is also linked with this Chakra, so one may feel focus and feedback in this Chakra during moments of harmony, generosity, group creativity and selflessness.

Color: Orange Gems: Amber, Coral

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra is located just above the navel and below the chest. This Chakra is a focus point for our force of will and our sense of transformation. Concentration and control of our personal energies originate from this point. One’s sense of power and authority, as well as self-control and discipline of the ego converge here. This Chakra can be used to sense the very use of one’s internal energies to affect what is outside the body.

Color: Yellow Gems: Amber, Gold

4. The Heart Chakra is located at the center of the chest and is the focus for love and understanding. Feelings that stem from this love such as forgiveness, compassion, balance and harmony radiate from this point. This Chakra also nurtures the rarified feeling of unconditional or divine love,love that goes beyond the physical.

Color: Green Gems: Emerald, Malachite

5. The Throat Chakra is located in the throat area between one’s chin and the top of the sternum. This Chakra is linked to one’s powers of communication. Through this Chakra, one can realize truth and knowledge; honesty, kindness and wisdom and how these elements can be conveyed through thoughtful speech.

Color: Sky Blue Gems: Turquoise, Blue Topaz

6. The Ajna Chakra is located in the forehead, right above our eyes. This is also known as the region of the "Third Eye" in Buddhist and other belief systems. This Chakra is related to our perception beyond the physical realm. Intuition, insight, imagination and clairvoyance can all be associated with this Chakra. One can also focus their realization of their own soul, divine wisdom and peace of mind in this point.

Color: Indigo Gems: Lapiz Lazuli, Sapphire

7. The Crown Chakra is located at the very top of the head. As one might guess, this Chakra is associated directly with dealings of the mind and spirit. This Chakra is deeply tied to the exploration of one’s consciousness and place in space and time. Oneness with the universe, your spirit and will, inspiration, divine wisdom… all the things that deal with the Higher Self are rooted in this Chakra.

Color: Violet Gems: Amethyst, Diamond, Quartz Crystal  

 apres fete les cure